Use Traceability to Avoid that Million-Dollar Loss in your Automobile Manufacturing Unit
Use Traceability to Avoid that Million-Dollar Loss in your Automobile Manufacturing Unit Whether it's surface, water or air, nowhere is safety more important than in the transport industry. Vehicle safety gained importance by way of law in 1966 - the 49 USC Chapter 301 – Motor Vehicle Safety Act whereby each automobile manufacturer is required to recall or repair any new vehicle with safety defects or issues, free of charge. The consequences of product recalls have caused significant financial and reputational damage. Some of the more recent recalls have been Ford (2019), Mazda and Toyota (2018), and Mercedes Benz (2017). The Motor Vehicle Safety Act was made more stringent with the Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, and Documentation (TREAD) Act in 2000, making traceability a must in the automobile industry.