Sixdime Andon System
What is Andon System?
Andon is a visual and audible alert system which is installed in factories that quickly alerts the operator about the problem in the production line. The immediate alert addresses the problem on spot, so that the production line can return to normal operation.
About SixdimeAndon:
Melss presentsAutomatic Panel Bonding System IOT device is used for reading the data from particular tag of PLC and display it in Graphical User Interface. The tag contains various data like Required Production Quantity, Actual Production Quantity, Stiffener Feeding Actual Quantity and Panel Feeding Actual Quantity. Those data may vary according to the production happening or they may be fed by the user in PLC software. Here we are going to display that data in GUI using an IOT device named Andon Box.
Key Features:
- Andon box is built using Raspberry pi 4.
- USB type C for power supply.
- Two USB ports and one ethernet port.
- Two micro-HDMI ports to support display.
- It has a separate micro-SD card slot for loading operating system and data storage.
Benefits of Andon System:
- Reduce downtime
- Cost reduction
- Improves productivity
- Prevent recurrence of issue
- Abnormality defect is detected.