Sixdime Smart Utility Controller

What is Smart Utility Controller?

Smart Utility Controller provides us the way for controlling heavy loaded industrial machineries through basic Laptops and Smart phones remotely.

About Sixdime Smart Utility Controller

MELSS presents smart utility controller, to control entire stand-alone industrial equipment. The controller’s primary operation includes scanning I/O, updating output and process control. After the beginning stage the controller will continuously read input and calculate the control parameters for machine process, the variables such as pressure, flow, temperature and level. The precise control improves quality and safety without the need of more man power. Any assembly line, machine function or process can be enhanced using this type of control system. It contains various features like ethernet connectivity, manual and scheduled appliance control etc.

Key Features

  • Easy to configure.
  • Schedule the operation of each line at specific time is enabled.
  • Twelve schedules can be made per day for each line.


  • Remote Monitoring.
  • Reduce Man Power.
  • Safe and secured.
  • Easy to access.
  • Improve efficiencies.